The human paradox: From customer centricity to life centricity
Consumers are making paradoxical choices as the life forces around them intensify, reconciling personal values with practical realities. These kinds of inconsistencies might not be new – but they're increasingly considered normal – even good. Here's the rub: as customers are comfortable embracing inconsistencies, businesses are still seeing them as one-dimensional walking wallets. Not you, though. Right? [Accenture]
of consumers globally who admit to behaving inconsistently think that paradoxical behaviors are both human and acceptable.
The World of 'Ands': Consumers Set the Tone
It's important to listen to consumers to understand what they want. But business leader beware: the choices are seldom binary, your job is to navigate contradictory desires. Check out four trends in consumer behavior and three business imperatives that will require you satisfy dynamic needs. [McKinsey]
Rogue Perspective:
Why Your Audience Doesn't Care about Your Brand Messaging
Here’s the good news: Brand messaging isn’t as hard as it seems.
Here’s the bad news: Brand messaging is different than what you’ve always done. Focusing on product attributes will almost certainly fall short because audiences crave a connection that resonates with their aspirations. And “important” depends on them, not you. Find out what Rogue Thinks.
What Your Client REALLY Wants
What customers say they want, and ultimately buy, are not always the same thing. It’s often your job to read between the lines in order to meet their unexpressed need. Here’s a tool that can help. Rogue Cheat Sheet
Rogue thinks... and does
Isn't it time to boost your business and defend your marketing spend™?