While You Were Working (LIVE) Ep. 17 – The more things change, the more they stay the same
The song lyric, “the more things change, the more they stay the same” really was ahead of its time!
2 min read
Rogue Marketing
Jan 23, 2018 7:38:11 AM
Something we talk a lot about is data. Numbers don’t lie after all, or do they? When analyzing certain metrics, it’s important to really think about how the ‘juice data’ nuggets extracted can be used. Though we tend to go for the viscerally appealing numbers first, sometimes the most insightful pieces require a little further digging.
In our While You Were Working (LIVE) episode 14 we dive in deep to discover what data truly can help bring your company success and a smile to your bosses face. Data is only as good as the person analyzing it and this point is echoed loud and clear throughout today’s episode. Plus, this week’s articles have some really great tips you can take back to work with you TODAY! Enjoy.
Here are episode 14 #WYWWLive topics:
Voice Continues Its Rise, Marketers Are Turning to Sonic Branding
Your brain might do immediately to roller skates and cherry limeaides when you hear the word ‘sonic’ and while that’s not literally what we are talking about, it’s figuratively spot on. How does one elicit a brand connection with its consumer base using just sound?
The data has shown the continued rise of voice becoming an integral part of all our lives. Anyone get an Amazon Echo or Google Home for the holidays recently? Our guess is that a lot of you got one or already had one. These voice assistants are going to become more and more integrated with our day-to-day habits, but where does that leave branding?
We’ve all been locked into data-driven marketing based on quantitative metrics for so long, this is new territory but it’s an area that you won’t want to ignore. Creating an impression on your consumers using a signature noise may be knocking on your door (we’re all about the sound references here) sooner than you think.
Four Ways to Fix the Social Data Disconnect
“How’s that latest post performing?” A familiar question us social media marketers get from the executive team. So we scramble for the data and present the strongest numbers for how the ‘engagement’ is looking. Well, it’s time to kick this habit to the curb because there’s far better pieces of data to mine and present to your executive team.
This article shares several ways to look at the data being produced from all your social media marketing efforts. While the number of ‘likes’ on a post isn’t going to likely translate into sales for your company, there are different data sets you can present to various teams at your company to help with product development, customer service and even marketing!
Check out this article and then be sure to watch last week’s While You Were Working (LIVE) Ep. 13 to learn about the major changes happening with your brand pages on Facebook!
Google and Salesforce Unveil First Elements of Partnership
The ultimate marriage of data- Google + Salesforce. Think about all the seamless insights you’ll be able to gain through having your G-suite connected to Salesforce!
In this article, the first elements of the partnership are finally being revealed. For the first time ever, marketers will have a complete view of the customer journey with Google Analytics 360 users being able to import data from the Salesforce CRM tool. Wahoo! For those of us in the lead generation or inbound marketing game, this is huge!
You’ll want to check out this article for more on the specific data points that will now be available due to this epic marriage of two tech giants.
Check out our post-show on Anchor App to hear Rogue’s Senior Digital Strategist, Jared Heath, dive a little deeper into sonic branding.
The song lyric, “the more things change, the more they stay the same” really was ahead of its time!
It’s the season to be thankful.
Do you have an innate passion for exploring outside the box, the path less traveled, the uncharted territory?