How to Start “DOING” Social Media: A Kickoff Guide
You know you have an audience using social media. You know social media is a relatively inexpensive way to reach a targeted group of people. But you...
2 min read
Rogue Marketing
Jan 31, 2020 3:00:49 AM
This past month, you’ve been knocking out goals…but you probably didn’t have time to read up on the latest and greatest in the marketing world. Don’t worry—here’s what happened While You Were Working.
You know what’s interesting about industry changes? They’re like waves—each one is unique, and yet they are consistent…because you know the current one will pass and the next one is right behind it.
Marketers have always known that GDPR was just the beginning. Now the CCPA is rearing its head and setting a standard throughout the US. The once-open internet is becoming more locked down…and that makes marketers think harder.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t more opportunities out there. And maybe this email is a bit pre-emptive—you’re still getting plenty of value from your typical campaigns. The (marketing) world isn’t breaking apart. That doesn’t mean you want to wait to be forced into innovating.
On that note, 2020 is off to quite the start:
There’s more where that came from. Here’s what you might have missed…While You Were Working.
About 2/3 of the way down an article full of excellent information, you’ll find a list of 9 tips for staying ahead of Facebook’s changes. The tip that surprised us the most is #4: “Post high-quality videos longer than 3 minutes.”
It’s a reminder not to let biases get in the way of data—and also not to let one article, with one recommendation, upset everything you are doing with your audience. Remember how we mentioned that what people say they do and what they actually do often differ? This is a chance to see how that applies to your audience’s preference for video length.
B2B, B2C, P2P… it’s all people. Business people have to solve business problems, and consumers have to solve day-to-day problems, but it’s always people making the decision. It’s always people you interact with. And every ad and email has a person who wrote it. In that spirit, enjoy this performance of “Paper People” from one of our favorite poets, Harry Baker. (Lyrics here.)
You know you have an audience using social media. You know social media is a relatively inexpensive way to reach a targeted group of people. But you...
Have you considered that your audience doesn’t believe your value proposition because you’re too far above what they’re looking for? More isn’t...