How To Deliver Marketing Value With Strategic Practicality™
When you think of creativity at its best you probably imagine complete freedom. No holds barred… Large, healthy budgets… An ability to be everywhere…...
We’re told that the middle is where it’s at. But is it actually effective in moving people to action?
One of the biggest songs of the year, asks “why don’t you just meet me in the middle?” It sounds right. It seems logical.
The wise Yoda took another approach though. He said, “Do. Or do not.”
In an attempt to be everything to everyone, it can be appealing and even feel advantageous to play both sides. To promote a principled stance… yet water it down in an effort to not miss out on the masses.
But in the words of Dr. Phil, “How’s that working for ya?”
What’s true in soccer and politics is also true for the business leader. Seth Godin says, “The key to failure is trying to please everyone.” No, the better road is to be one way or another. To take the perspective that “we may not be for everyone… but we might be for you.” That’s where you’ll find brand character. Inspiration. Aspiration. Advancement. For the overwhelming majority of businesses it’s not realistic to be everything to everyone. Soda and tater tots may be for everyone, but you’re not for everyone. Your product is not for everyone. The goal is to serve the people that you’re for. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, businesses like NIKE, Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s and so many others are figuring out that taking a stand for something is gaining them a more invested audience.
How about you?
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter… and those who matter don’t mind. ”
When you think of creativity at its best you probably imagine complete freedom. No holds barred… Large, healthy budgets… An ability to be everywhere…...
When everything is important, how do you truly prioritize the things that deserve time, attention, and budget?
We have written about it before. Marketing is a performance. That has served me well. Most of my life I’ve spent time performing on a stage. And I’ve...